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  • Invitation to the workshops on cross-border tourism offers development

Invitation to the workshops on cross-border tourism offers development


In May 2024, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy of the Republic of Poland, assigned the preparation of the study “Directions and prospects of the tourism sector development in Lithuanian-Polish borderland” to the external contractor KREATUS Ltd. Poland.

The first consultation meetings on this study were held in the borderland in August 2024.
Another activity in this project will be workshops on creating cross-border tourism offers and defining strategic orientations for hard and soft investments, which will be addressed to the Lithuanian and Polish beneficiaries and stakeholders of the cross-border tourism projects.

The workshops will be moderated by Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, according to the following agenda:

  1. Preliminary conclusions of the study
  2. Presentation of assumption for creating cross-border tourism offers and defining strategic orientations for hard and soft investments (in cross-border projects and beyond)
  3. Discussion on directions of the future cross-border tourism offers development in the Lithuanian–Polish borderland and related inter-sectoral cross-border cooperation in the tourism industry
  4. Defining conclusions and recommendations

Workshops will be conducted in Lithuanian (Alytus, Marjampolė) and Polish (Suwałki, Ełk, Szczytno) at the following venues and dates:

Alytus, Rotušės a. 4 (Alytaus miesto savivaldybės administracija, Pasitarimų salė (201 kab.)

23rd of January 2025, time: 09:30 – 11:30 (LT)

Marijampolė, Vytauto 17, 1 aukšte (Spiečiaus bendradarbystės erdvėje, įėjimas iš Vasario 16-osios g. per Marijampolės turizmo informacijos centrą)
23rd of January 2025, time: 13:00 – 15:00 (LT)

Suwałki, ul. Wesoła 22, (Stowarzyszenie Euroregion Niemen, sala konferencyjna)
27th of January 2025, time: 12.00 – 14:00 (PL)

Ełk, ul.Kościuszki 27A (Ełckie Centrum Rewitalizacji Społecznej STAJNIA, sala A) –
28th of January 2025, time: 9.00 – 11:00 (PL)

Szczytno, ul. Sienkiewicza 1 (Urząd Miejski w Szczytnie, sala konferencyjna)
28th of January 2025, time: 14.00 – 16:00 (PL)

Please register for the workshops in Lithuanian or Polish under the below link by January 20, 2025.


If you have questions, please get in touch with Joanna Kurowska-Pysz directly via

e-mail: jkurowska@kreatus.eu

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